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Setting up SD-WAN with certificates

Foto van schrijver: Jelle LeymanJelle Leyman

All the controllers have now been configured with a root certificate. To finalize the controller setup, we still need to provision them with an identity certificate. So in this post we will:

  • perform basic vManage configuration

  • add the vBond and vSmart controllers to vManage

  • generate CSRs for each of the controllers

  • sign and install the certificates on the controllers

  • finish setting up the underlay

Basic vManage configuration

So, first off we will log into the vManage GUI and navigate to Administration > Settings. Here we make sure our organization name and vBond IP ( have been set properly. We will also change the Controller Certificate Authorization from "Cisco" to "Enterprise Root Certificate" and paste in our root certificate.

Changing the certificate authority
Adding the root certificate

Adding the controllers to vManage

For this we will navigate to Configuration > Devices and at the top, select Controllers. Here we can add both the vBond and vSmart controllers via the "Add Controller" action.

I had some trouble adding my vBond. I kept getting the message " connect timed out". Eventually I was able to resolve the issue by turning the vBond interface used for VPN 0 into a tunnel interface. I found this Cisco Community thread to by quite helpful during this issue.

conf t
 vpn 0
  interface ge0/0
      encapsulation ipsec
      commit and-quit

After successfully adding the controllers, you should have the following overview

Controller overview in vManage

Generating CSRs and installing the certificates

Via the menu go to Configuration > Certificates and select "Controllers" at the top. Using the 3 dots next to the devices you can now generate your CSRs. Copy each of them and using your favorite text editor in Ubuntu, create 3 separate CSRs.

Generating CSRs
Adding CSRs to our Ubuntu CA

Next we need to sign these CSRs using our root certificate. We do this for each of the CSRs.

user@ubuntu:~$ openssl x509 -req -in vmanage.csr -CA CA.crt -CAkey CA.key -CAcreateserial -out vmanage.crt -days 365 -sha256

Certificate request self-signature ok
subject=C = US, ST = California, L = San Jose, OU =, O = Cisco Systems, CN =, emailAddress =
Overview of CSRs and certificates

Having our relevant certificates we can look at them using cat in Ubuntu and copy them to our clipboard. In vManage we select "Install Certificate" in the top right corner. Here we paste our certificate and vManage will know to which controller the certificate belongs to and assign them accordingly.

Installing the certificates via vManage pt1
Installing the certificates via vManage pt2

Certificate installation process

After installing all 3 certificates, you should have the following overview:

Overview of installed certificates on controllers

At this point all of our devices have the root certificate installed as well as an identity certificate signed by the CA.

Finally make sure all of your VPN 0 interfaces are configured as a tunnel interface

config t
vpn 0
interface ge0/0
encapsulation ipsec
commit and-quit
config t
vpn 0
interface eth0
commit and-quit
config t
vpn 0
interface eth0
commit and-quit

We can now go back to our vManage and navigate to Configuration > Devices > Controllers and we will see that our Device Status has now been changed to "In Sync".

All 3 controllers are In Sync

Our SD-WAN setup is now ready to start bringing in vEdges and cEdges into our network.

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